Meet Our Team


Chief Executive Officer


Executive Director, John Lewis

Zaka Mian

Chief Transformation & Technology Officer

Nina Bhatia

Executive Director, New Businesses

James Bailey

Executive Director, Waitrose


Executive Director, Finance (Interim)

Lisa Cherry

Executive Director, People

Jason Tarry



Elected Director

John Lee

Elected Director


Deputy Chairman


Non-Executive Director


Chief Executive Officer

Clare Swindell

Non-Executive Director

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference. The Committee's responsibilities are to support the Chairman in ensuring that:

  • There are strong succession plans in place for the Partnership Board
  • There is necessary breadth of talent within the Partnership to provide the skills and expertise needed on the Partnership Board in the future
  • There is a robust process for making appointments to the Partnership Board.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference. The Committee is responsible to the Board for the oversight of:

  • The integrity of the Partnership's Annual Report and Accounts, and other formal announcements relating to the Partnership's financial performance
  • External audit activities
  • Internal audit activities
  • The Partnership's systems of risk management and internal control including an annual review of the effectiveness of their processes.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference.

  • The Remuneration Committee has oversight of the application of the pay policy, including Rule 61 and Rule 62, to executive remuneration for the Chairman and Senior Management, and fees for the Non-Executive Directors.
  • The policy aims to attract, retain and motivate executive management of the quality required to run the Partnership successfully without paying more than is necessary and informed by market rate information.


Ethics and Sustainability Committee

The Ethics and Sustainability Committee operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference.  The purpose of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for setting Ethics & Sustainability (E&S) strategy in accordance with the Partnership's Purpose and Values and ensuring that the E&S strategy is embedded into the Partnership’s operations by reviewing and monitoring:

  • the Partnership’s conduct with regard to its obligation, reputation and opportunity as a responsible and progressive corporate citizen;
  • that E&S remains core to the Partnership, aligned to the Partnership’s Purpose and Values;
  • the delivery of the Partnership’s E&S commitments, consistent with the strategy; and
  • that external perspective is fully considered to ensure the Partnership’s approach on E&S remains relevant and stretching.


Chief Executive Officer


Executive Director, John Lewis

Zaka Mian

Chief Transformation & Technology Officer

Nina Bhatia

Executive Director, New Businesses

James Bailey

Executive Director, Waitrose


Executive Director, Finance (Interim)

Lisa Cherry

Executive Director, People

Jason Tarry



Elected Director

John Lee

Elected Director


Deputy Chairman


Non-Executive Director


Chief Executive Officer

Clare Swindell

Non-Executive Director

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference. The Committee's responsibilities are to support the Chairman in ensuring that:

  • There are strong succession plans in place for the Partnership Board
  • There is necessary breadth of talent within the Partnership to provide the skills and expertise needed on the Partnership Board in the future
  • There is a robust process for making appointments to the Partnership Board.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference. The Committee is responsible to the Board for the oversight of:

  • The integrity of the Partnership's Annual Report and Accounts, and other formal announcements relating to the Partnership's financial performance
  • External audit activities
  • Internal audit activities
  • The Partnership's systems of risk management and internal control including an annual review of the effectiveness of their processes.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee operates in accordance with the terms of reference.

  • The Remuneration Committee has oversight of the application of the pay policy, including Rule 61 and Rule 62, to executive remuneration for the Chairman and Senior Management, and fees for the Non-Executive Directors.
  • The policy aims to attract, retain and motivate executive management of the quality required to run the Partnership successfully without paying more than is necessary and informed by market rate information.


Ethics and Sustainability Committee

The Ethics and Sustainability Committee operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference.  The purpose of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for setting Ethics & Sustainability (E&S) strategy in accordance with the Partnership's Purpose and Values and ensuring that the E&S strategy is embedded into the Partnership’s operations by reviewing and monitoring:

  • the Partnership’s conduct with regard to its obligation, reputation and opportunity as a responsible and progressive corporate citizen;
  • that E&S remains core to the Partnership, aligned to the Partnership’s Purpose and Values;
  • the delivery of the Partnership’s E&S commitments, consistent with the strategy; and
  • that external perspective is fully considered to ensure the Partnership’s approach on E&S remains relevant and stretching.